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Dr. Todd Mangum

Dr. Todd Mangum

Dr. Todd Mangum is the Professor of Theology and Academic Dean of Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania. He received the John F. Walvoord Award for Outstanding Work in Eschatology from Dallas Theological Seminary where he received his Ph.D. in 2001. Dr. Mangum's first book, The Dispensational-Covenantal Rift (Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2007), is widely acclaimed as providing a definitive history on the debate between dispensationalists and covenant theologians. He has also written numerous articles seeking to repair breaches among various segments of Bible-believing Christianity, and advancing a generously orthodox, missional approach to theology and ministry in the postmodern, post-Christian context. Dr. Mangum is ordained by the Southern Baptist Convention and he serves frequently as pulpit supply in several area churches; he is also an active churchman at Grace Bible Church, Souderton. He resides with his wife, Linda, and two of their three sons in Souderton, PA.


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